Jamsam Web Services

Software & Applications


Empower Capabilities


Engage Collaboration


Enhance Capacity


Customer Relationship Management


Document Management System


Project Management System

Need help with accessing your account?

Jamsam Software’s, Applications & Systems are the property of JamSam Information Technology LLC solely for the internal use for its employees, franchisees and Talents. 

Jamsam Admin department shall issue your account with starter credentials, which you must change to secure your account. 

If you were not issued an account or need help accessing your account, then contact admin@jamsam.io 

On-Boarding Process

The Accounts for Jamsam Software, Applications & Systems are issued by the Corporate Administration Department.

Jamsam Administration Department shall issues your account based on your job, position, roles & responsibilities including privileges and access control. Should you require to update your access level you must send a written request stating your reasons to admin@jamsam.io

Account Issue


Jamsam issues accounts to its employees, franchisees and talents based on the policies, procedures and protocols. You must sign and adhere to these for continued access to the systems. Administration department may revoke account and refer to management for disciplinary action for breaches of conduct and/or abuse of the account privileges. 

Jamsam operates on zero tolerance and shall serve legal remedy for any breach of customer privacy and data protection. 

Policy & Protocols


The Administration department is responsible for providing training and development for the technical competences for all our system users. All the systems have user-guides available for ease of use and workshops are conducted for technical training. 

Should you or your team require  technical support or to organize training, simply email admin@jamsam.io with your requirements. 

Training & Development


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